Breeder's To Do List
& documentation
Congratulations on your new litter of Armenian Gampr puppies! After ensuring all puppies are in good health, Breeders can start discussing ownership with potential new placements, gathering important documents needed to send with each new puppy home and completing a basic check list of other things to do.
Here is a helpful guideline to get you started:
Download this editable Puppy Weight Chart to record birth weights and then once weekly thereafter. Provide a copy in each puppy packet folder as they leave for their new homes.
Schedule your vet appointments for well check, de-worming, vaccinations and microchipping or place your order for supplies early if you plan to do so yourself. Be sure to make copies of any visits to put in each puppy packet.
Request a Litter Certificate to ensure new puppy homes that your puppies are registerable and representative of the Breed.
Once your litter has arrived, be sure to notify AGCA of litter availability for advertisement on the website and social media. This is a service provided free to AGCA Approved Breeders only.
Download this editable Medical History form, one for each puppy's going home packet, to record vaccinations, microchip information and de-worming schedule.
Decide if Embark DNA testing each puppy in your litter is right for you. Include results in each puppy folder and don't forget to transfer ownership in the Embark settings for each dog. It is advised that if one of the parents are a single carrier that puppies should be DNA tested prior to going to new homes.
When discussing new placement with potential new owners, it is essential they receive your contract, prior to sending a deposit or full purchase, so expectations are clear. Download this Puppy Contract and feel free to replace the logo and edit the wording to suit your personal needs..
Choosing new homes is the most important part of caring for a litter of puppies. Owning an Armenian Gampr is a wonderful experience but not everyone is a good match for this breed and Breeders must take immense care when screening potential new homes. Selling a puppy and receiving the money should be the least of a Breeder's concerns. While there are Breeders that do this without care of how fit the new owners will be, this is strictly against the AGCA Code of Ethics, a violation of which is cause for immediate removal of the Club. It is a Breeder's full responsibility to investigate each new home AND provide lifelong mentorship, support and repossession or rehoming of any failed placement, therefore placing puppies in homes without full investigation leads to unnecessary hardships for all parties involved. Please feel free to use this Puppy Application which can be modified to suit your needs. Consider all aspects of Gampr ownership when choosing PROPER homes for your puppies for ease of new owner mentorship and setting up your puppy and their owners to succeed:
Does the home have appropriately sized accommodations?
Has the potential owner asked lots of questions concerning the breed, training, temperament, suitability, needs, etc.?
Does the potential owner have a job for the Gampr?
Is the person interested in the Breed for it's history, work ethic, certain traits? Have they expressed why they think this breed is the right fit?
Does the potential owner have other dog breeds and are you confident they understand that purposely out-crossing and mixing of breeds is absolutely not allowed? Is there a plan in place to prevent outcrossing?
Does the potential buyer understand that Gamprs are highly and skillfully determined to breed and may chew through barns, houses, windows, fencing and normal means of separation in order to mate?
Does your potential buyer share your love for the breed and intend on being a supportive Member by joining the AGCA, which directly supports the Conservation efforts to save the gene pool? Help interested, like-minded people become a Member.
Does the potential owner understand positive training methods and not to use outdated methods like "no-touch"? Do they understand that it takes puppies a while to not only get used to a new home but also learning a new owner, routine and animals? Further, do they understand that puppies are puppies and not instant guardians, that puppies must be worked with daily to achieve trust and that sometimes that takes quite a while to achieve?
Once your homes are chosen, and you would like to fully Register your puppies on behalf of the owners, visit Registering with a Litter Certificate. Be sure to include pup's Registration in each folder as well as sending digital documents.
When planning your puppy packets for each new home, please print and include the following documents in each folder, per the AGCA Code of Ethics:
Code of Ethics (click to download file)
AGCA Mission Statement (click to download file)
Approved Breeder Program (click to download file)
Don't forget to take nice photos and keep your puppy homes updated
Be sure each owner knows the exact food the puppies have been eating, well before leaving, so they may prepare for arrival. Additionally, when pups leave with new owners, send each of them home with a sample of their current food for transitioning.
After all puppies have been placed, please return the completed Litter Certificate back to AGCA so each puppy can be pre-Registered in the Database. Send yours via email as photo attachments.