Meet the Pack
gamprs of crosswinds farm & cattle co
We are a 700 acre regenerative organic crop farm and raise heritage grass fed grass finished beef, heritage pasture pork, and heritage pasture chickens. Our Gamprs were a perfect fit not only because they fall into our breed conservation practices, but they make amazing guardian dogs on the farm, and such loving affectionate family dogs as well.
*Click each photo below to open the slideshow

*Import Female
Registration # 021022-02
Livestock: Yes
Embark - Results
Remaining Evaluations:
OFA Hips, Elbows
OFA Patellar Luxation

Registration # 080321-02
Livestock: Yes
Embark - Results
Remaining Evaluations:
OFA Hips, Elbows
OFA Patellar Luxation

*Import Male
Registration # 032222-01
Livestock: Yes
Embark - Results
Remaining Evaluations:
OFA Hips, Elbows
OFA Patellar Luxation
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